Sexy teen Kennedy was searching for some sizzling motion, and Cherie was the mature step-mother greater than prepared to assist out. Hanging out on the pool changed into some actual good pussy munching between the women. It escalated as soon as they went inside with some severe salad tossing. Kennedy complained that her boyfriend by no means did that, so Cherie advised her to name him over for a lesson in satisfaction. He acquired there and obtained a shock like no different. The girls had been butt-ass bare and able to pounce on him. Cherie had acquired him warmed up earlier than they each turned him into their boy toy. Cherie and Kennedy had enjoyable with him, as they took turns sucking his cock whereas they kissed and licked one another. They had been even higher at sharing his dick between their pussies, and Cherie even demanded he cum on her face after he fucked Kennedy.
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