
Massage Class Secrets Part Two: Study Break, Scene #01 - Family Sex Massage


With exams developing rapidly, Chloe Amour and her step cousin Jenna Sativa are busy learning, however Chloe is admittedly having a tough time concentrating. Chloe persuades Jenna to take a break; nonetheless, Jenna is adamant of the significance behind it. Jenna receives a name from her pal Riley Reed, inviting them tomorrow to their unique new therapeutic massage membership. Chloe laughs on the concept and thinks she could be higher at massaging. Jenna caves into Chloe's ways to keep away from learning by eradicating her shirt and permitting Chloe to therapeutic massage her naked again. Jenna felt somewhat self-acutely aware being the one one topless, so Chloe makes her really feel higher by eradicating her shirt as effectively. Chloe brags how good of a masseuse she is and proves it by caressing Jenna sensually. Things warmth up the place Chloe asks Jenna to take off her thong to therapeutic massage her ass. Chloe tries to bribe Jenna into taking her check at school once more but Jenna thinks Chloe must work lots more durable to ensure that that to occur. How far will Chloe go with a view to keep away from taking that check once more? And, will Jenna be satisfied by Chloe's unhealthy influences? Only one method to discover out!
