
Brotherly Lay, Scene #01 - Family Sex Massage


When stepbrother Tony Martinez drops by the NURU spa, his sizzling masseuse stepsister Karlee Grey is filling the bathtub along with her again to the door. He introduced himself by grabbing her crotch and provides her an ultimatum. Either she offers him a therapy or he tells his dad about her sordid job.

Karlee would not admire being on this place. Her stepbrother is the final particular person she desires to fuck. But, she agrees to appease him and will get undressed. They sit within the tub awkwardly earlier than taking an ungainly bathe. Knowing he will expertise her pussy, he taunts her about it and ogles her bare type.

She lays him on the mat and covers them each in NURU gel. She jerks his cock and asks if he is prepared. Then she swallows his dick and sucks him until he is nearly to blow. She slides onto his dick and gyrates her hips whereas he pummels the cum out of her. Then he flips her round and fucks her from behind until he cums throughout her ass!
